Episode 15 - What Is Suffering Redux

Over the last few weeks I’ve had several good friends call or email me asking me to explain what I mean when I use the terms “Suffer First” and “Glory Second.” I asked them if they’ve gone back and listened to the first three episodes of the show and each said they had not. So, being the good friend that I am I explained on the phone or by email what I mean by these two phrases. It’s really no problem at all for me to explain it over and over again. Afterall, I love this subject and I want as many people as I can get to better understand what I mean and hopefully share my passion for the subject. But, as I look at the analytics of the show and how many people are listening all over this country and in other countries as well, I realize that they too may not have listened to the first episodes and therefore may not understand what I mean when I say, “Suffer First / Glory Second.” For this reason, I’m re-posting episodes 2 and 3. I hope that folks will take a few minutes to listen to these episodes, so that we can be on the same page and might better understand each other when these terms come up. And they will come up over and over again. This is exactly what this show is about – Suffering and Glory. As I’ve told you before, I’m a “one trick pony, baby.” Suffering and Glory is all I have to offer, so I need you to understand what I mean when I say it. With that said, please enjoy “What Is Suffering Redux.”